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Jan 11, 20243 min read
ფარცხალაძესთან დაკავშირებული ახალი პრორუსული მედია და აქტორები
ამ მასალაში მოგიყვებით ორგანიზაციის შესახებ, რომელმაც ერთი წლის წინ დაიწყო მაუწყებლობა; გაგაცნობთ, ვინ არიან ამ ორგანიზაციის...

Dec 7, 20235 min read
როგორ ფინანსდება და როგორ ზემოქმედებს რუსული რბილი ძალა ქართველ ემიგრანტებზე
ალტ-ინფოს, კონსერვატიული მოძრაობის, და სხვა Პრორუსული ძალების მხარდაჭერები რიგითი მოქალაქეებიც ხდებიან. Მათ შორის, Რუსული პროპაგანდის სამიზნ

Jul 14, 20232 min read
დეზინფორმაციასთან ინოვაციური ბრძოლის ბანაკისთვის მონაწილეების შერჩევა იწყება
ინოვაციური ტექ ხელსაწყოების გამოყენება დეზინფორმაციის კვლევის პროცესში - ბანაკი, რომელსაც ფორსეტი Zinc Network-თან პარტნიორობითა და USAID-ის

Mar 23, 20235 min read
No place for agents in Georgia. What’s behind the border denials of those who defy Putin?
The opposition, human rights defenders, and journalists are labeled and persecuted as agents in Russia. Some part of them are fleeing to...

Mar 23, 20235 min read
No place for agents in Georgia. What’s behind the border denials of those who defy Putin?
The opposition, human rights defenders, and journalists are labeled and persecuted as agents in Russia. Some part of them are fleeing to...

Mar 23, 20239 min read
From Russian migration to real estate crisis: Why renting is no longer an option for us
Three years ago, Tamuna secured a two-room apartment in one of Tbilisi's prime districts, situated close to the Vazha-Pshavela metro...

Mar 23, 20239 min read
From Russian migration to real estate crisis: Why renting is no longer an option for us
Three years ago, Tamuna secured a two-room apartment in one of Tbilisi's prime districts, situated close to the Vazha-Pshavela metro...

Mar 23, 20237 min read
The social portrait of the Russian migrants living in Georgia
"A sparrow is a bird, Russia is our land, death is inevitable", - an exercise from the Russian grammar textbook, which has been in the...

Mar 23, 20237 min read
The social portrait of the Russian migrants living in Georgia
"A sparrow is a bird, Russia is our land, death is inevitable", - an exercise from the Russian grammar textbook, which has been in the...

Mar 23, 20236 min read
Benefit or precondition for crisis | The influence of Russian migrants on the Georgian economy
Russian citizens seek refuge in neighboring countries amid war, mobilization, and sanctions of the west. According to a recent report by...

Mar 23, 20236 min read
Benefit or precondition for crisis | The influence of Russian migrants on the Georgian economy
Russian citizens seek refuge in neighboring countries amid war, mobilization, and sanctions of the west. According to a recent report by...

Mar 22, 20232 min read
Making sense of the Russian migration in Georgia is a social listening platform that allows journalists to monitor, track and analyze social media conversations from...

Mar 22, 20231 min read
Making sense of the Russian migration in Georgia is a social listening platform that allows journalists to monitor, track and analyze social media conversations from...

Mar 22, 20236 min read
What does the "second Russia" look like in Georgia and what does it change?
Georgia, a country that Russians traveled to for vacation even after the August war, has now become a preferred destination for Russians...

Mar 22, 20236 min read
What does the "second Russia" look like in Georgia and what does it change?
Georgia, a country that Russians traveled to for vacation even after the August war, has now become a preferred destination for Russians...
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