DataforCrisis.com is a social listening platform that allows journalists to monitor, track and analyze social media conversations from two distinct communities: Russian migrants residing in Georgia and Georgian communities.
The portal was developed in response to the massive Russian migration to Georgia and Kazakhstan caused by war in Ukraine.
With over 4 million data points, this open data portal provides comprehensive sentiment, emotional, topic, and keyword analysis, as well as correlation analysis and other tailored features, to aid journalists and researchers in investigating and reporting on Russian migration issues in Georgia.
In January 2023, ForSet, the project partner in Georgia, recruited 15 high-level journalists under the "Data for Crisis Fellowship" framework for developing data-driven, evidence-based stories around Russian migration in Georgia based on the DataforCrisis.com data.
Journalists were trained by ForSet team in data analysis, data visualization, storytelling and informational design, which was followed by mentorship sessions as journalists worked on multimedia stories.
As a result, five stories were developed and published in Georgian media outlets
Benefit or precondition for crisis | The influence of Russian migrants on the Georgian economy Original (GEO): https://publika.ge/article/sargebeli-tu-krizisis-winapiroba-rusi-migrantebis-gavlena-saqartvelos-ekonomikaze/ ENG: https://www.forset.ge/post/benefit-or-precondition-for-crisis-the-influence-of-russian-migrants-on-the-georgian-economy
No place for agents in Georgia. What’s behind the border denials of those who defy Putin? Original (GEO): https://www.radiotavisupleba.ge/a/32322694.html ENG: https://www.forset.ge/post/no-place-for-agents-in-georgia-what-s-behind-the-border-denials-of-those-who-defy-putin
From Russian migration to real estate crisis: Why renting is no longer an option for us Original (GEO): https://go.on.ge/379k ENG: https://www.forset.ge/post/from-russian-migration-to-real-estate-crisis-why-renting-is-no-longer-an-option-for-us
What does the "second Russia" look like in Georgia and what does it change? Original (GEO): https://go.on.ge/378i ENG: https://www.forset.ge/post/the-impact-of-the-second-russia-in-georgia-characteristics-and-changes
Social portrait of Russian migrants living in Georgia Original (GEO): https://realpolitika.ge/ge/longread/saqartveloshi-mtskhovrebi-rusi-migrantebis-sotsialuri-portreti ENG: https://www.forset.ge/post/the-social-portrait-of-the-russian-migrants-living-in-georgia
The portal is brought to you by SocialLab, ForSet and MediaNet, supported by DW Akademie and German Cooperation.