Iona Keeley
Experience Designer at CLEVER°FRANKE
Iona Keeley is an Experience designer at CLEVER°FRANKE, an award winning digital agency at the fore-front of data-driven experiences. She graduated from University of Birmingham with a first-class degree in Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences, majoring in Philosophy. Beyond a highly reflective and analytical mindset, Iona has developed her creative talent through activities in the field of graphic and experience design.
Within projects for clients such as Boeing, bitscrunch, and the United Nations Global Center for Climate Mobility, Iona embraces the complexity of data to turn them into compelling narratives and elegant interfaces.
Workshop: Purposeful Data visualization
When turning data into interactive visualizations, the design space is almost infinite. In this hands-on workshop (no laptops required!), Pietro and Iona help you explore different types of interactive experiences you can create to communicate data to your audience, and how to choose strategically. Based on a theoretical framework they share examples that inspire them, show best practices and together follow a few steps of how they approach the data design process.